Posts Tagged ‘edmontonlifestyles’

Welcome Message From Kennedy Real Estate

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

Welcome to our Blog! Here we will post all things local , of value and interest – and most of all we value your input and opinion !!

Upcoming Posts:

Local Eats – area fav’s in your hood

Lifestyle Tips – best walking trails – pic’s from the field (k – pardon the pun)

Homefront Tips of the Day : LUNCHES – what to make in a pinch: How NOT to go crazy drummng up new and exciting lunches for the kiddies

Critter Corner: Pet tips of the Day..from training to feeding and everything in between

Best Deal Alerts: local deals from our in house extreme couponer!!

Best Buy of the Season: real estate has its discount season too – watch for seasonal Best Picks!

I Can’t Believe It’s That Easy: fix its and reno tips that – are yes – really that easy

Have an Idea or a local favorite you’d like to flog – flog away on the comments below – cause that’s the way we roll!!