Posts Tagged ‘edmonton home stager’

Edmonton Home Stager | St. Albert Real Estate: From Foreclosure to Fabulous!

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

Take a look at this video of an older half duplex in St. Albert that was bought as a foreclosure just a few months ago. Everything down to the studs was replaced! A real treat for St. Albert – a brand new fully finished 3bdrm duplex for under $300,000 – with a huge fully fenced yard too!! A rare find for sure…contact us for more details on this FOR SALE property.


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Additional “Before & After Projects” Articles… 

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Jennifer Kennedy
Broker | Owner

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® Edmonton Home Stager

Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing

 : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!



Good or Bad Feng Shui: What to look for when buying your next home

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

Have you ever felt that a home just didn’t feel good? Or that it had bad vibes? Sometimes the signs of good and bad Feng Shui are not so obvious. The following outlines what makes for good and bad Feng Shui in a home. You can use these as a general guideline when shopping for a home.

Even when it comes to Feng Shui, it’s still location, location, location. Why? Because you can’t change it! You can change price and condition but not location. SO that is where we will start:

1. Preowned? Good Feng Shui if the previous owners are moving to a bigger house, job promotion and are moving away or won the lottery – this would all be good energy.

2. Lot: wider in the back or square is good Feng Shui. Reverse pie lots are not. Square or rectangular shaped lots are considered ideal.

3. Cul-de-sac: be sure not to be at the T intersection of the cul-de-sac to the road – this considered bad Feng Shui. You will end up getting the glare of headlights into the front of your house in the evenings.

4. Fire Hydrants: can’t have those in front of the house: bad Feng Shui as it represents your wealth being ‘washed’ away.

5. Bedrooms: should not be located over the garage, kitchen or laundry room. In addition beds should not share a common wall with a toilet. Master bedrooms should ideally be north facing and the bed should back onto the south wall facing north. In addition there should be no mirrors across or beside the bed.

6. No bathrooms over a dining room or kitchen. (This would seem obvious – no leaking toilets over my Turkey dinner!)

7. Home office: should be in the southeast portion of the home. Morning sun brings good energy and the south sun provides daytime sunshine to keep you energized throughout the day.

8. Homes facing south and backing north are ideal.

9. The flow of the home is important. The front door should not open up directly to the up or down stairwells. Nor should the front door ‘see’ the back door (have direct line from front door to back door). This allows the chi or energy to walk right on through the back door. The energy should be allowed to meander back and forth throughout the home. You also do not want to see the fireplace from the front door.

10. The kitchen, nor the stove should be in the centre of the home. Nor should the kitchen face a toilet door (bathroom). This door should be closed at all times.

11. Office desks should back onto a solid wall – not a window. Nor should a desk or bed face an angled wall.

12. Living too close to a cemetery brings grief into the air – not a good thing.

Feng Shui’s aim is to balance to all aspects of our lives by creating an environment that has good chi or energy. You can do this by firstly looking for a home that fits the locational aspects. The interior of the home can always be changed. But the more you know up front about good energy – or Feng Shui the sooner you will be able to recognize it in your next home.

Happy House Hunting!

Jackie Stewart

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Why Some For Sale By Owner’s Don’t Sell on Their Own

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

You may be faced with a number of challenges when selling a home on your own. Granted some homes actually do sell on their own (for sale by owner). The problem is – the stats are against you…
1. When you are selling on your own – you are basically waiting for a buyer to call you directly. This would be the same chances that a Realtor has of ‘double ending’ a sale – which amounts to the same thing – he or she gets a call directly from a buyer. The stats for this happening on MLS listed properties is less than 5%. Meaning that 95% of all sales comes through another buyer agent. SO – basically you are waiting for the same thing – a buyer to call you directly…..
2. When it comes right down to it – there are some homes that are just destined to sell on the MLS system. This could simply be that the demographic attracted to this type of home – prefers to work with a REALTOR®, or they are just not comfortable dealing with the owner directly. Or for more expensive homes – buyers are alittle more resistant or hesitant dealing either without representation or the owner directly.
3. The other resounding reason is really quite obvious: there are around ~3000 hungry Edmonton area REALTOR®’s all motivated to bring buyers through the door. This is quite a herd of sales people working on your behalf. Once a REALTOR® posts a property on line – it gets put into the general MLS mix and is open to all 3000 REALTOR®’S to help sell it. When you are selling on your own – you do not have this force working on your behalf. And keep in mind even with that force behind you – sometimes it still takes a while to sell. I can’t imagine how much longer it would take to sell that same property privately.

KENNEDY Real Estate understands that everybody has different needs for selling and a variety of methods to sell their property. The above is by no means a comprehensive list – but probably the most compelling.

** Please Note: At KENNEDY Real Estate, we offer a competitive (full) Buyer’s agent commission. After all – if 95% of all sales are brought in by the Buyers Agent -we certainly like to thank them with competitive compensation.

Jennifer Kennedy


KENNEDY Real Estate

Need to get YOUR home sold…click here.

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Edmonton Adopt a Dog Day!

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

Are You my Mommy?

Calling all Edmonton area dog lovers…a home is not a home without man’s best friend…(Cesar Milan)

Looking for a furry freind to call your own…why not adopt:

Resue For Life: Spruce Grove

Introducing: LEO!

Leo needs a foster home ASAP. He was adopted on the weekend and the cats in the family did not like Leo. She feels it would be best for Leo to go to a different family where all the members loved him. Can anyone foster this little guy? He is also up for adoption. Email

Everyone deserves a HOME to call their own..furry friends and all….

Jennifer Kennedy
KENNEDY Real Estate
Mom to 2 crazy canines: Rocky and Bo

Additional articles on our “furry” friends… 


Our Seasonal Pumpkin Ad..Happy Pumpkin Carving!!

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

One in our series of Seasonal Ads…Enjoy!!

To Find Out MORE on how we sell homes differently!

Check out our LIFESTYLE home searches!


Jennifer Kennedy

Broker Owner

KENNEDY Real Estate

Renters: Good and Bad: Be careful Who you Rent to

Monday, October 24th, 2011

These are before and after pictures of a unit that needed a total overhaul after the tenants moved out…well some of their stuff anyway…

Yikes! Its hard to believe that some people live this way…hoarding their lives away. This unit was rented out to seemingly nice folks. But they had a secret problem: they liked to collect things…lots and lots of things. Sadly, none of which included a garbage bag or a hanger or a plate to help with the ‘management’ of the ‘collection’.

How do you prevent such destruction from spiraling out of control as a Landlord? Well among other things: regular or ‘seasonal’ inspections of the property – to check on the furnace, water leaks or to complete any seasonal maintenance work. These ‘check ups’ will help keep your renters in check and ‘collections’ at bay.

In addition, the 24hr required notice to enter will not give enough time for cigarette smoke smell to dissipate. This is potentially even worse than hoarding because cigarette smoke attaches to everything and goes into the attic – causing lots and lots of work for you to repair.

Landlord and Tenant mantra: ” I’ll be good to you – you (renter) be good to me and together we will live happily ever after.”

Watch for the next article in the series : How to Find and Interview for Good Tenants

Jennifer Kennedy


KENNEDY Real Estate

Want to learn more about investment properties or properties with hidden potential contact us today!

See more Before and Afters here


St. Albert’s Red Willow Trail

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

St. Albert’s well known Red Willow Trail is 70 KM of strolling encounter. The trails take you along the Sturgeon River where you are able to revel in the excellence of the four seasons. Red Willow Park runs the full length of the river valley and connects to the man neighborhoods throughout the 70KM of trails. Find our excellent outside! St. Albert is one of the prettiest little metropolises in Canada with the abundance of green space, strolling trails, and parks. For more information on St. Albert call your Area Specialist .. Anna Bayne and she will find you some hidden gems in St. Albert.

Additional “Anna’s Advice” Articles…

Anna Bayne
Associate | REALTOR®
Your St. Albert Area Specialist! 

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® | Edmonton Home Stager
Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing

REALTORS® : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!

Adopt a Dog Day!

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

Rescue for Life

‘Friday’ the pitbull needs a foster home by tomorrow. His family is moving and cannot take him with them anymore. We can not take him into the rescue until we have a foster home for him. He is great with kids and other dogs but has never met a cat. Please help Friday. He is a 1 year old guy who comes with everything he needs. Please give him a chance. Email or call 780-221-9669.


Additional articles on our “furry” friends… 

Realtors: What Your Voice Mail Should Say…

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

Okay – SO this blog post may offend some folks – well perhaps alot of folks. I guess that all depends on YOUR voicemail and the recipients of your message. I will not take total credit for this rant – for it was a summer read of Jeffrey Gitomer’s ” Little Red Book of Selling” that gave me the encouragement to change things up alittle, think outside the box when it came to among other things – voicemail.

Does this sound familiar:

“Hi – You’ve reach Joe Kalupchuck, from ABC Realty. I’m either on the phone, with clients or driving right now. Please leave a message and I will return your call just as soon as I am able. Or for immediate assistance please call 780-trunk-number and have me paged. Thank you and have a nice day”.

Or same as above – but it starts with “Hi – You’ve reached Joe Kalupchuk, from ABC Realty. Your call is important to me….” blah blah blah same as above ending.

First off – the person who is calling you – really does not have the time nor the interest in ALL the things your are doing besides answering your phone. This is irrelevant to the caller – and takes waaaay too much time to listen to.

Second of all – you said you would return their call – but then you say ‘for immediate assistance call…’  Why? Why should your  caller call your trunk/pager number when it goes straight back to your phone that you (just) did not answer. Are we going in circles or what? Or are you saying that only if a person PAGES you, that you will return their call? Otherwise they take their chances on you taking your time returning your cell phone calls? Why should they get IMMEDIATE assistance if they have to hang up and call again and leave another message. Gosh wouldn’t it be MUCH faster if you told them to just leave you a message on your cell phone and you’ll return it asap. We all know that trunk/pager numbers go to your cell phone as well. It just seems so redundant to tell someone to hang up and call again for immediate assistance. When in fact that it is NOT immediate and in reality it would be much faster just to leave a message on your cell phone or text you? No?

Thirdly – ‘have a nice day’, ‘your call is important to me’ ‘I’m either on the phone, with clients, buying shoes, out to dinner,walking the dog…’ whatever – this is all useless info to your caller. Your caller is trying to get a hold of  YOU or leave YOU a message. Don’t assume your caller has all the time in the world to listen to all that useless information. Sorry – but its true. And especially if you have 10 bookings to make and all the Realtors have the same loooong voicemail….oooiiiigh. Not fun.

Lastly – as in the words of Jeffrey Gitomer – your voicemail is your voice to the world. Leave an imprint on all who call you. This is your chance to leave an impression that goes waaay beyond the sound of the beep (oh yah – that’s another useless tidbit – leave a message at the sound of the beep – really – really NO!). Give someone a reason to smile and  say “that was a really cool message – that is someone I could work with” or give them a reason to spread the love…’hey Susie , I called this Realtor, Joe Kalupchuck , and he had this really cool voicemail message…’ Get it? Got it. Good.

Happy Voice Mailing!

p.s. “Hi – You’ve reached Jennifer Kennedy. I’m out selling homes right now. With four teenagers to feed and two in braces, rest assured I’ll get back to you shortly. thank you!”

Additional “AGENT 101” Articles…

jennifer kennedy  real estate business card

Jennifer Kennedy
Broker | Owner

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® Edmonton Home Stager

Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing

 : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!



Adopt a Dog Day…Are You My Mommy?

Friday, October 14th, 2011

Rescue for Life

Hi I am April,

Very shy girl who has had a bit of a rough time with things. Will need a bit of vet care as my neck is a little bit scratched up but I will good to go in no time. I have lots of potential – just need a family who is willing to see that in me…


Please see details below on how you can help me….


Rescue for Life
2 Aspen Glen Drive
PO Box 9043
Spruce Grove, AB
Canada T7X 4H5

A cheque donation can be made out to Rescue for Life.
Donations can also be made through Paypal at

Donations can also be made via Visa at the Crestwood Vet Clinic, under Rescue for Life account. (780) 444-7550.

Additional articles on our “furry” friends… 

At KENNEDY Real Estate we believe everyone should have a place to call home. We support Animal Rescue here in Alberta. A portion of all sales goes toward helping these critters find a place to call their own.