Posts Tagged ‘edmonton home stager’

Our Winter Ad Campaign!

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011


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jennifer kennedy  real estate business card

Jennifer Kennedy
Broker | Owner

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® Edmonton Home Stager

Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing

 : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!



The Pro’s and Con’s of Mutliple Offers in a Buyer’s Market

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

You are probably thinking …what possible con’s could there be in a multiple offer situation? Surprisingly there are a few things on both sides of the fence to consider…


Starting with the Pros:

  1. You are in a good position to get your asking price.
  2. Negotiations are usually quick and uneventful or unemotional.
  3. You will be able to pick the offer that best suits all of your terms: price and possession date.

However, in buyer’s market there are some things to consider the Con’s:

  1. In a buyer’s market, buyer’s are averse to getting into bidding war – they see it as an unnecessary evil. Especially at a time when they should be getting a deal – not giving a deal to a seller. Often times buyer’s will walk away from a deal in order to find a home that they do not have to compete for.
  2. If you come back with an over confident (counter) offer – you may risk offending or alienating your buyer. This is a tricky one to navigate. Proceed with caution and rely on your REALTOR®

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Christy Van Dyke
Associate | REALTOR®
Your Greenview | Hillview Area Specialist
Search Homes For Sale in Greenview | Hillview 

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® | Edmonton Home Stager
Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing

REALTORS® : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!



Real Estate Trends : What to Expect for 2013

Saturday, November 19th, 2011

Looking ahead these Real Estate trends will be here for a while. Find out what types of Real Estate investing is on the forefront of buyer’s minds and pocket books!

1. Housing recovery: unlikely, however cautious optimism remains. A few more foreclosures have yet to flush through the market(s).

2. Mc Mansions are out: compact housing is it. Baby boomers are downsizing to more manageable homes. Generation “x” is interested in vibrant, walkable neighborhoods, smaller compact homes. smaller homes with more pizazz..

3. Home buyers are thinking long term: 1st time home buyers are now thinking a decade in advance. Repeat buyers 15 years in advance. Homeowners are simply planning on staying longer.

4. Prices still have further to drop:  Increase in foreclosures. The 500,000 plus market (larger older homes)and conditionally and location challenged unsold properties will still need to adjust price or condition or both in order to sell. Price competitively or price it to compel a buyer to choose your property over the gazillion other choices they may have.

5. More foreclosure to come: still shaking out the over bought/over extended home owners from the boom of 2005-07. Some home owners that bought in 2005-07 are now needing to sell/move for one reason or another. Some can’t afford to move because their mortgages are worth more than what the market will bear for their home and that leads to more foreclosures.

6. Mortgage rates to remain low: Long term rates will begin to rise mid to late 2012. Rates will eventually have to go up in order for governments to begin to recover their own debt loads.

7. Mortgage Rules/Standards taking on new shape: Shorter amortization periods: no more 50 year mortgages, now down to 25 year mortgages as the norm. Increase minimum downs: more and more lenders are tightening their purse strings and will be requiring more money for down payments in order to secure financing. Longer probation periods: stricter qualifying standards over all, especially the self- employed.

8. New Construction concerns: lower new construction starts in this market could lead to a housing shortage in the future.

9. Investor opportunity: CASH investors will rock especially for bank /foreclosure sales.

10. Housing recovery dependent on employment rate: housing recovery maybe delayed due to in part of current employment rate.

Although not written in stone the above Real Estate Trends for 2013 are a guideline as to the direction the market is headed. Smaller homes, tighter financing regulations, and a few more foreclosures to get through are all what we can generally expect to see in the near future. But always remember: a good home well located, presented and priced will sell in any market!

Happy Investing!

Corrie Harpe

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® | Edmonton Home Stager
Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing

REALTORS® : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!

Trust is a two Way Street

Friday, November 18th, 2011

kennedy real estateI have told this story a number of times but I think it bares repeating because it encompasses the essence of any successful business relationship.

My Father has over the years given me some pretty useful advice. He ran a successful Law practice in his day, that thrived on repeat business: referrals. However, alot of these referrals he had never met before. As you can imagine a Lawyer – not unlike a Realtor – client relationship involves a two way trust understanding.

My Father would always start off the conversation with something like this:
“You don’t know me from Adam, and I don’t know you from Adam. You have to trust me because you have no other choice and I have to trust you because I have no other choice. As long as we understand that – we can move mountains together. If we don’t , we can’t put one foot in front of another.”

Trust is  fundamental in any relationship. Once you can establish that with your clients – and for your clients to understand that you require that of them too- there begins a successful journey.

I have often shared this story with my clients – yup – and they were referrals I had not met before…thanks Dad.

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jennifer kennedy  real estate business card

Jennifer Kennedy
Broker | Owner

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® Edmonton Home Stager

Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing

 : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!



Edmonton Adopt a Dog: Don’t Forget About Me!

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011




















Hi!!! My name is Coco Chanelle :

You might recognize me as the pup that was in a video from late last year (along with Hania). We were heavily pregnant and Rescue for Life tried in vain to rescue us while we were pregnant but we went into hiding to give birth – all our puppies died. I was adopted in June and have been returned as I am not the right fit for the family. You might remember my family member, Beaux who was adopted a few months ago as well. I am a tinier version of him! I have speckled paws and a beautiful face.

I am SUCH a good girl and got to come to a new home in Red Deer until I find a forever family, once again! So many new smells and I now have 3 foster siblings (my foster sister Nyla annoys me sometimes though, but I like her!) I’ve got a big yard to run and play in a huge comfy bed to call my own!!

Us older dogs would like to find our furever homes too!!! please don’t forget about me! I’m full grown, and such a well behave girl. I’m house trained AND I sleep in my bed beside your bed 🙂 I love to run in the backyard and play with my foster sister! I’m on the smaller size of medium so I’m the perfect sized dog! Or so I hear people say. I always over hear my foster mommy saying how happy I’m going to make a family because I’m already house trained. I even sit at the door until mom says I can go outside! love, Coco Channelle ♥

Adopt Me Today!


My Name : Coco

I am:

Age: 1 year old
Sex: Female (Spayed)
Weight: 45 lbs
Breed: Australian Shepard/ Blue Heeler Cross
(I know I was said to be a chocolate lab cross, but my daddy said that this is believed to be my mix as I am MUCH smaller than a lab)

Additional articles on our “furry” friends… 

Adopt a Puppy Day!

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011




















These little critters are all looking for their furever home…maybe even in time for Christmas!

Do you have room in your hearts and homes for these furry friends?

email natalie@rescue4life  if you are interested in sharing your home with one of these loveable pups!

All of these pups are currently up for adoption.

Additional articles on our “furry” friends… 

St. Albert : The NEW Anthony Henday Drive

Monday, November 14th, 2011
Anthony Henday Drive - photo curtesy of

Anthony Henday Drive - photo curtesy of

WOW! Once you have driven on the extension of the Anthony Henday Drive, you will be impressed. Having the privilege of driving from St. Albert to Clareview in less than 15 minutes I thought about how many more minutes I will gain on my day by NOT sitting in my car.

This is one impressive stretch of highway.  Smooth sailing all the way.  This ring road is one of Edmonton to St. Albert’s quickest routes.  From Edmonton to St. Albert you have 3 exits that will take you right into St. Albert, from the West, Central and East.  What more could a person ask for?  Direct access to St. Albert’s wonderful community  and all that it has to offer:  homes, schools, recreation, restaurants, shopping and much more.

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Anna Bayne
Associate | REALTOR®
Your St. Albert Area Specialist! 

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® | Edmonton Home Stager
Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing

REALTORS® : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!

Survey Results: What’s your Home and Neighborhood’s BEST feature?

Monday, November 7th, 2011

The results are in! We have polled our client base to ask them what they valued the most in their home and neighborhood. Not surprising that backyards, big windows for natural light and quiet location topped the list!

Here are the results:

Best Home Features:

1. Tied for first place: Backyard size and large windows to allow all the natural light in …( FYI – you tend to gravitate in a home where there is the most sunlight – a home with lots of sunny living areas has better resale)

2. Size of the home and layout (large living spaces).

3. Decks deck and more decks, and the covered variety too!

4. Open concept.

5. Renovated rooms: kitchen’s , master ensuite: with upgrades such as anti slam doors, granite and hardwood floors.

6. Kitchen that has direct access to the covered deck.

7. Insuite laundry – from our condo dwellers – this is a HUGE selling feature.

8. Soaker tub: relaxin’ is a good thing…

9. Historical charm.

10. Ensuite and guest ensuite.

Best Neighborhood Features:

1. Tied for tops: Quiet tree lined streets, no crime and with close proximity to all amenities and major transportation accesses.

2. Proximity to parks, trails, walkways and community lake.

3. Strong community atmosphere.

4. Walk-out, corner lot with good neighbors.

5. Cul de sac location.

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Additional “Edmonton Realtor: KENNEDY Real Estate” Articles…


Megan Wagner

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® Edmonton Home Stager

Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing

 : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!



Edmonton Adopt a Dog Day! Are you My Mommy?

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

I am CARTER,  the biggest of my brothers and sisters. I am a calm puppy who loves to play with my toys and take a nap. I don’t really make a peep, I am just happy to be around everyone. I am the gentle giant.


Contact: Rescue for Life Spruce Grove

Everyone deserves a HOME to call their own..furry friends and all….

Jennifer Kennedy
KENNEDY Real Estate
Mom to 2 crazy canines: Rocky and Bo

Click here for past posts:

Are you My Mommy?

Adopt a Dog Day!

Pick Me!

Pick of the Pack!

Additional articles on our “furry” friends… 

An APPLE a day really DOES keep the Doctor away!

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

an apple a day

This common health saying isn’t folklore; research actually proves it’s true. According to a recent Florida State Uiversity study, women who ate apples every day had 14% lower total cholesteral, a 23% decrease in LDL (‘bad’) cholesteral and a 3% rise in HDL (‘good’) cholesterol after one year. Their C-reactive protein levels (another risk factor for heart disease) also went down 32%. ‘These results were shocking because the women made no other changes to their health habits,”says study author Bahram Arjmandi, PhD, R.D.

What gives apples their superfruit powers? They’re rich in fibre, which improves cholesterol, and they also contain quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that may help fight inflammation. Article Author: AbigalL. Cuffey Women’s Day Issue 10/17/11

Read about the Story of Our Apple

Allison Mallette

KENNEDY Real Estate

Your Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing