Winterizing your home

September 28th, 2012 by LOCAL Real Estate

Tips in Selling Homes in Winter.  There are several reasons to sell a home, no matter what season is. What a homeowner should be aware of are the various preparations that must be done in order to make the most out of it.


The best time to get ready for the winter is in the fall, before the the cold weather, snow and ice arrives! Home winterizing can be easy when you take it step-by-step and start early enough. Part one of this three part blog will get you well on your way!


Heating System

You’ll want to make sure you have heat for when you need it!

Test Run- Turn the thermostat on to ‘heat mode’ and listen for the furnace to start. Warm air should start blowing within a few minutes.

  • Seasonal Maintenance- Have your  furnace checked by a service technician or if you know how you can do this  yourself.
  • Replace the air filter.
  • Fuel- If using a propane or oil  furnace top-off the fuel storage tank.
  • Heating Vents- Ensure vents are  clear so air can flow.
  • Check for Carbon Monoxide  Leaks- Install a test badge or battery operated alarm.


Air Conditioning

Often people forget about caring for the condensing unit (the portion that sits outside) as winter approaches.

  • Clean Condensing Unit of  Debris- Using a hose set to high pressure, clean the fan blades and condensing  coils.
  • Cover Condensing Unit- Although  designed for outdoor use, covering the unit with an air conditioner cover will  extend the life and efficiency performance of the unit.
  • Window Air Conditioners- Remove  and store them for winter. If removal is not possible then close the vents and  cover the unit with an air conditioner cover.



Hire someone to inspect your roof if you are not comfortable safely doing so yourself; if you do inspect it yourself be sure to wear solidly fastened shoes with non-skid soles.

Check for missing or damaged shingles and have them replaced.  Check flashings around chimneys and other roof projections which can be a source for leaks.

Clean out gutters and downspouts. Wet leaves left over winter can add weight and volume which increases risk of damage when frozen.


That’s all for now but be sure to check back for part two on Winterizing Your Home which will include tips on winterizing your fireplace/chimney, plumbing and insulation! In Part Three the following week you can learn about winterizing your doors/windows, sprinkler systems, landscape and amenities.

Your home is your castle and investing some extra time and engery in it, you know you have the pick of the crop when the time comes to sell.


Anna Bayne
Associate | REALTOR®
Your St. Albert/North Edmonton  Area Specialist!

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® | Edmonton Home Stager
Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!

KENNEDY Real Estate


Edmonton Real Estate: Title Insurance vs Real Property Report

July 31st, 2012 by LOCAL Real Estate

Title InsuranceReal Estate Tidbits: Title Insurance

Brought to you by  KENNEDY Real Estate 

This is a great article for Realtors/Lawyers/Mortgage Brokers and of course Edmonton BUYERS and SELLERS. There is much confusion about this topic. We were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to have Bhavna Chavda from FCT (First Canadian Title) come to our office for one of our team meetings and give us the skinny on Title Insurance. This is what we learned…


Title Insurance: what does it mean to you? If you haven’t purchased a  home before, chances are it doesn’t mean much. If you have, Title Insurance may set off some alarms in your head. You’ve probably become convinced that a Real Property Report is the only way to go. But does Title Insurance deserve this bad rep?

Let’s start by defining these two terms.

Real Property Report: A Real Property Report (RPR) provides information such as the location of utility right-of-ways and easements.  It also shows boundary fences, the overhangs of eaves and additional improvements such as swimming pools and hot tubs.  As a seller, you need to make sure that your RPR is up to date and has municipal compliance before selling your property.  Not having this can delay the sale and cause a lot of delay when it comes to transferring title from seller to buyer. Lenders will also need to know about issues with the RPR and make sure they are resolved before lending money on the property.

Title Insurance: Title insurance is an insurance policy that protects you, the home owner, against challenges to the ownership of your home or from problems related to the title to your home. The policy provides coverage against losses due to title defects, even if the defects existed before you purchased your home. A title defect is a problem with the title which prevents free and clear ownership. There are many types of defects such as rights of way, encroachments (from neighbouring properties), unpaid liens, etc.

Are you in the process of trying to sell a home, and is the Real Property Report causing you closing delays? Here’s how a title insurance policy may help you.

Did you know that a title insurance policy:

• is accepted by most lenders in lieu of an up‐to‐date Real Property Report (RPR);
• can provide coverage over known RPR problems and offers protection from loss if the land is unmarketable as a result of defects that would have been revealed by an up‐to‐date RPR;
• provides protection against real estate title fraud and issues such as unpaid liens, title defects, encroachment issues, construction liens, and costs arising from building code violations.

It also provides coverage for purchasers:

• Unmarketablility of the title or land
• Liens, including tax liens; Builder’s liens
• Easements; Work orders; Lack of building permits
• Someone else owning or claiming to own an interest in the property
• Documents not properly signed, sealed or delivered
• Fraud, forgery or incapacity (including post‐policy coverage)
• Defective registration of documents
• Registration gap coverage
• Lack of access; Restrictive covenants
• Encroachments; Neighbour’s encroachments built after purchase
• Adverse matters that would have been disclosed by a local authority search or an up‐to‐date survey

So, if you ever find yourself in a situation where an RPR is too costly or time-consuming to obtain, you can always consider Title Insurance as a viable option.


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March 23rd, 2012 by LOCAL Real Estate


All the Tools

Spring Cleaning


 Spring is in the air and so is the dust, dirt and clutter that has built up over the winter months!  Whether you are getting ready to sell your home, need to take an inventory of your belongings, you need a good cleaning from top to bottom or maybe it’s just time to transition into the warmer weather; spring cleaning is a good idea for every home. Once you have completed the task you will feel organized, tidy and just a little bit lighter!

Here are a few tips to help you get started, followed by a general checklist to help break the daunting task into smaller more manageable ones and ensure you get everything done. Also listed are some specific jobs for certain rooms and areas in your home.

1) Get four large containers and label them:

Put Away– items that are used regularly and need to go back to their “home”

Get Rid Of– items you don’t use anymore that are in good enough shape for a 2nd life

Storage– items not used regularly or that are seasonal but you still need to keep and find a place to  store in your home

Garbage– anything that doesn’t fit  into the other categories

2) Depending on the size of your home, how you like to get things done and how much time you have, you can choose to either dedicate a
whole weekend to the job or assign different days to different rooms. The last chart divides your home into 7 areas, so if you choose to do one area per day then you can get the job done in one week!

3) If you want the whole family to get involved (this can be a challenge, sometimes quicker and easier just to do it all yourself!) here are some ideas to encourage them:

-Each person should do their own bedroom, especially if they want to decide what goes into the ‘Garbage‘ container!

-Let them read the checklist and decide which room/area they would like to do

-Organize a garage sale at the end of the clean up and make a rule, “The more you help, the higher percentage of profits you get”.

Walls & Ceilings    – vacuum to remove dust and then wipe down Dust thoroughly   – from the top of the room down and then vacuum the dust that settles on the ground

Shelves   – take everything off, dust and wipe-down

Doors   – wipe down thoroughly and polish metal hardware

Windows  – remove and wash screens  -clean window treatments; check curtain labels, many can be machine washed  -clean glass (from the inside and out)

Upholstered Furniture – remove cushions and beat out the dust (outside)  – vacuum under the cushions and in crevices  – read care labels to clean

Wooden Furniture -wipe down and then wax (if appropriate)

Rugs  – vacuum and then shampoo  -rugs without backings, including oriental rugs, require professional cleaning

Floors  – sweep and mop  – most non-wooden floors can be waxed

*Don’t forget to move all of your furniture to clean under and behind thoroughly!


Bedrooms – Flip mattress and replace winter bedding with more  lightweight ones.   Wash pillows, most can be   machine washed.   Put winter clothes away  and bring out warmer  weather ones, also get rid  of items you no longer  wear.

Bathrooms – Scrub EVERYTHING – Discard expired hygiene  products, cosmetics and  medications.


Living Room – Dust TV and stereo equipment, Swap heavy curtains,  rugs and throws for lightweight ones.

Kitchen Clean all appliances (turning  off power to do so), including  removing food from fridge and   freezer to defrost and clean.

Dust cupboards and shelves and clean out drawers Scrub sink  Throw out expired food.

Office  Clean computer and dust  keyboard  Organize files.

Stora     ~ Get rid of what you don’t need.

Utility Areas   – Organize In areas with concrete floors use blocks to lift  items and boxes off the  floor to preserve and  protect them.

Outdoors – Sweep cobwebs off porch  ceilings and walls, Scrub decks, patios,  walkways and driveways.  Wash outdoor furniture and  toys

Replace burnt out and broken light bulbs and  fixtures.

Just think of how fantastic you will feel when your whole home is clean, organized and up-to-date! If you are getting ready to sell your home then it will be ready for showing and make packing and moving so much easier.  And if you’re not then you can feel good about keeping your family healthy by getting rid of those hidden germs (that are there no matter how clean you keep your home!). When you are finished you can give back to the community by donating gently used items; or make some extra cash by having a garage sale, (check out our garage sale
blog for some tips).



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Anna Bayne
Associate | REALTOR®
Your St. Albert Area Specialist!

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® | Edmonton Home Stager
Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!

Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing


REALTORS® : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!




Spring Ahead Into Safety

March 14th, 2012 by LOCAL Real Estate


 With the first day of Spring just around the corner (March 20th), it’s the perfect time of year to focus on fire safety in
your home! We “Spring” our clocks ahead an hour, and to help remind you about maintaining your household smoke alarms, why don’t you Spring Ahead Into Safety as well!

Did you know that the number one reason for smoke alarms not functioning in homes is due to missing or dead battery/power sources? An analysis was done of people who perished in homes where smoke alarms were present but not working, and 85% of those people who died did not have a functioning smoke alarm because of missing or dead batteries! What a simple and easy problem to fix!

Smoke alarms save lives, it’s even the law to have a functioning detector in your home! But who wouldn’t want to protect
themselves and their families, especially while you sleep, as most fatal fires are at night when people don’t wake up. You only need to change the battery once a year, twice if you want to be extra cautious, and a great way to remember this is to do it when you change your clocks in the Spring and Fall.  Here are some other smoke alarm safety tips for your home:

 1) Test your detectors once a month by using both the test button on the alarm, as well as a smoldering piece of cotton string. Be sure to also follow the owner’s manual when doing this.

2) Make sure an alarm is installed on every level of your home and near sleeping areas. One alarm isn’t enough! They should be installed on the ceiling, and if this isn’t possible then place them high up on the wall. Also make sure they are away from
bathrooms, heating appliances and ceiling fans.

3) If you sleep with your bedroom door closed, which is recommended for fire safety, then you should install a smoke detector IN your bedroom.

4) Dust or vacuum out the detectors regularly, a good time is when you are testing them each month.   Don’t use chemicals to clean as this can damage the smoke alarm. Also never paint them.

5) Replace old smoke alarms AT LEAST once every ten years.

6) When you are purchasing a new alarm, why not go for the best?! Some detectors are electrically powered and some use batteries, however the best use a combination of these power sources and also have a pause button for when it accidentally
goes off. This is handy for when you are burning dinner!

7) Have an escape plan. Make sure everyone in your home knows what the smoke alarm sounds like and practice your escape plan together. It should include two separate ways out of each different room and a pre-arranged meeting place outside where you can call the fire department from.

8) You should also have at least one carbon monoxide detector installed on each level of your home.


 So can you remember to Spring Ahead Into Safety next week? Don’t forget to check that the smoke alarm battery is in
place, connected, not corroding and functioning properly. These simple tips will help protect your home and more importantly you and your family!

Happy Spring!!

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Anna Bayne
Associate | REALTOR®
Your St. Albert Area Specialist!

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® | Edmonton Home Stager
Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing


REALTORS® : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!



February 27th, 2012 by LOCAL Real Estate


Garage Sale


Okay,  You have decided to  downsize, you are moving to a new home, where you have less real estate space to store all those items you really don’t use, and those you had totally forgotten about.  Why less real estate space, no other explanation than you are ready to move on to the next stage of your life.  The family has grown up and  left home, and now it is time for you to do less and enjoy more, and you can’t wait.  Smaller home, means nothing more than, less work, and more play time.  YOU EARNED IT.   You may ask, what about those family dinners,  I’m sure your new place will accommodate all your family, in the nice and cozy atmosphere that you have always managed to arrange for special occasions.  The nice thing, is the cleanup won’t take nearly as long, and you will have all that spare time to do all those things you just didn’t have a chance to do when the kids were at home, and all your time and energy was focused on them.So now before you make the move, you have all of those unwanted items to get rid of, you’ve gone through everything, and the TOSS PILE, is just that, get rid of it, and what better way than a Garage Sale.  Why not get together with your neighbors for one last time and have a HUGE BLOCK GARAGE SALE/GOING AWAY PARTYall in one.  Besides by having a Block Garage Sale you know you will get way more traffic and more traffic means more sales.  After the Block Garage Sale – have all the neighbors get together and have a Pot Luck BBQ.  The perfect end to a perfect and successful garage sale.
Block Party

Garage Sale - Block Party

Some tips on a successful Block Garage Sale.

  1. A group sale is better then selling alone.  More stuff draws more traffic
  2. Advertise – stick an ad in the newspaper, and get your signs out early.
  3. Be prepared.  Be ready to go the night before so that you don’t have to rush around in the morning.
  4. Play background music, this will draw your customers in, complete silence can be uncomfortable.  Don’t play offensive music, play something appropriate for your audience, something fun and catchy.
  5. Plan you sale layout with customers in mind.  Use marketing tricks to make your customers more likely to purchse your stuff!
  6. Price things carefully.
  7. Label things well.
  8. Be friendly. Greet people as they arrive – chat if they’re chatty.
  9. DO NOT  bad-mouth your items.
  10. Make it easy for shoppers to test electronic items.  Have an extension cord handy so that people can test them.
  11. Be willing to bargain, but be less flexible at the start.
  12. Know what your ground rules are  when it comes to bargaining.  Customers will always bargain, they want a deal.
  13. Keep a ledger.  Jot down a description of each item and how much you sold it for.
  14. DO NOT use a cash box.  Keep your money on you at all times.


The whole idea of this garage sale is to get rid of all the stuff you are not moving to your new home.  Your goal is to recycle all those items that are still usefull – TO SOMEONE ELSE.

A successfull garage sale, starts with good organizing, price all your items, this gives the customer an idea of what you want for the item, without a price customers may overlook the item since a offer may offend you.  Display the items so you can encourage customers to come, LOOK, AND BUY.

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Anna Bayne
Associate | REALTOR®
Your St. Albert Area Specialist! 

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® | Edmonton Home Stager
Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing

REALTORS® : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!

Edmonton Home Stager: Selling a vacant home?

February 22nd, 2012 by Jennifer Kennedy

Virtual Staging to the rescue!!

KENNEDY Real Estate is proud to introduce virtual staging to the Edmonton Marketplace! Virtual staging is more common place south of the border and in other centres such as Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto. And now KENNEDY Real Estate is bringing this most awesome miracle for selling vacant homes to Edmonton!

kennedy real estate virtual staging great room collage

What is Virtual Staging?

Virtual staging uses 3D rendering technologies to take a photo of an empty room and then fill it with up to date designer inspired furniture and accessories. We can add couches, lamps, rugs, T.V.’s, drapes and a whole host of other items to enhance the space.

With Virtual Staging you will save hundreds (or thousands) over traditional staging methods. In addition you avoid the hassle of moving furniture in and out of the home. Virtual Staging allows interested buyers to see the potential of your home using digital imagery.

kennedy real estate Virtual Staging dining rm collage

How does Virtual Staging help sell my vacant property?

It creates the lived in look for the buyer. The designer options for furniture style and arrangements. Creates interest, retains interest and it gives the buyer something to remember your property by – other than blank walls and rooms.

kennedy real estate virtual staging den collage

Who should use Virtual Staging?

PROPERTY OWNERS with little or no furniture. Or it can be used for outside patio shots – to fill a  deck/yard/patio with awesome eye catching patio furniture and outside  entertaining arrangements. Great for BUILDERS with multiple floor plans and only one showsuite! Condos, single family homes, spec homes, vacation homes, cottages etc.


kennedy real estate Virtual Staging master bdrm collage

How much does Virtual Staging cost?

Virtual Staging – up to three rooms comes FREE with our Golden Delicious Listing Package!


See it in action! Have a look at one of our most recent interactive listings that we have virtually staged (four rooms).


Kennedy reale estate StyleDesigner_Ad_400BONUS:

KENNEDY Real Estate also offers: Styledesigner option for all of our listings!

What is Styledesigner?

Styledesigner is an interactive model that allows buyers to actually change the way your property looks on line to meet their personal taste with the click of a mouse. Allowing the buyer to take “psychological ownership’.

This in an innovative approach to marketing online, buyers are sure to make your property their ‘dream home’.


Who should use Styledesigner?

Style Designer is very adaptable to just about any property that could use a few different updates: flooring, paint, paint on walls , trim and kitchen cabinets. SO – instead of deliberating on actually doing those reno’s – Styledesigner does it for you – and the buyer alike. NOW the buyer can pick their own wall, trim and kitchen cabinet colour as well as choose from many different carpet, hardwood flooring options.


How does Styledesigner help sell my house?

This interactive design option allows the buyer to ACTUALLY see the reno’d potential in your home right at their finger tips. It helps retain the listing value in your home. In addition it keeps the buyer engaged with your property longer – and that gives you a better chance of more showings which lead to OFFERS.


How much does it cost?

Styledesigner comes FREE with our Royal Gala Listing Package!


See it in action! One of our latest listings that we used Style Designer on (2 rooms) SOLD in less than a week. Well, it also had stellar photography too!

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jennifer kennedy  real estate business card

Jennifer Kennedy
Broker | Owner

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® Edmonton Home Stager

Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing

 : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!



Downsizing – Benefits of Living with Less

February 16th, 2012 by LOCAL Real Estate

What to Keep What to Toss

Living With Less

Where do we start to make the move of living with less – DOWN SIZING – .  You have made the move to downsize and move to a smaller home or condo.  I want to take you through the process of down sizing – room by room.

Start Small – Whenever you start the process create 3 piles – KEEP Pile – MAYBE Pile – TOSS Pile

KEEP PILE – These are items that you know you will need in the near future.  Items you cannot live without.  These are items that have sentimental value and are not replaceable.

MAYBE PILE  –  This pile includes items you like, but haven’t used in a long long time.  You might be ready to TOSS the item, but are unsure of that yet.

TOSS PILE – Be generous with this pile – remember you are downsizing.  Include everything you haven’t used in the last 6 months,  everything you are surprised to find or have forgotten you had it.  If it’s broken (and you were going to get around to fixing, toss!!), worn out, anything you don’t like, or if it holds memories you don’t want to take to your new home.  TOSS these items, or keep for a garage sale.

Now take the toss pile and decide whats great for a yard sale and what is going into the trash.  Remember these items have been forgotten and are no longer of use for you.  Have that garage sale and make some money to decorate your new home.

The maybe pile is the stuff you should box up and keep out of the way.  In the basement, garage or storage.  If you don’t us it within a few months chances are you won’t every use it.  ADD these to your garage sale.

Remember you keep the stuff you use on a daily basis, what I’m talking about here is the stuff cluttering up your basement, storage, the shelves in the closet, clothes at the back of the closet, or garage.    Those items that take up real estate space for no good reason.  Those are the best candidates for great successful garage sales.

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Anna Bayne
Associate | REALTOR®
Your St. Albert Area Specialist! 

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® | Edmonton Home Stager
Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing

REALTORS® : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!

Edmonton Home Stager: Home Staging vs. Price Reduction

February 15th, 2012 by Jennifer Kennedy

kennedy real estate lifestyle marketing

The reality is that in a slow real estate market, buyers have waaaaay less motivation to make an offer today because they know that increased inventory means that asking prices may go down even further tomorrow.

In addition buyers feel absolutely no pressure to make a quick decision because they know there are plenty of homes to choose from. This makes it less likely that a property they’re interested in will disappear too quickly— again making them less likely to take action and make an offer.

As a result, there’s a vicious cycle with home sellers trapped in their non-selling houses for longer and increased pressure from their REALTORS®  to continue lowering their price.

HOWEVER  home staging offers a way to end this costly inconvenience, because staged homes have been proven to sell faster.

When you compare the cost of staging vs. the average price reduction of $5000-$10,000 – home staging is waaaay more cost effective! Plus you are spending money to make money! I always get home sellers to think about their home as their own ‘fix and flip’. Now wouldn’t you normally think about putting money into your ‘flip’ to get it sold? For some reason home sellers have a hard time thinking in this manner. Until now.

Getting an offer is not such an easy thing these days. You really have to work at it. I have seen some houses that have been on the market for several years now (Edmonton region). They have gone through several REALTORS®, discount brokerages, for sale by owner etc. And the crazy thing is the condition of the house is STILL THE SAME and the price keeps dropping and dropping. At what point do you say…hmmm I don’ think anyone LIKES our house. I wonder why? Could it be the crayola box of paint colours throughout? The wallpaper that just never ends? My sparse prison cell decor? Or my floral Golden Girls furniture arrangement? hmmmm…

I have said this before…real estate is NOT rocket science. There is a reason for everything. And a reason for every house NOT selling. It was not priced or prepared properly. Done. Period. Finito.

Home staging puts you in the right direction for a sale. It doesn’t always guarantee you more money – but it does get you to where you need to be …SOLD. It allows you the piece of mind knowing that you have done your very best at putting your best most ‘shiniest’ foot forward when presenting your property to the market.

Happy home selling!

Megan Wagner

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® Edmonton Home Stager

Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing

 : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!



Edmonton Realtor: KENNEDY Real Estate – Home Sellers Checklist

February 14th, 2012 by Jennifer Kennedy

kennedy real estate seller checklist



Looking to sell this year?

Here is a go-to reference for anyone ‘jumping’ into the market.

Game Plan: when where why who

When: you need to figure out a time line for a sale. When you would you like to be moved in by – is it summertime to coincide with the kids off school, a job transfer date, new home construction completion date.

Where: hhmm SEEMS obvious enough – but some just really don’t have a clue of where or what to move to. This may in part depend on what your home is worth – see REALTOR® section below.

Why: motivation needs to be clear – as it will play into your timing/scheduling a sale/move.

Who: will sell your home: choosing a REALTOR®. Top 10 MUST ASK questions when interviewing for a REALTOR®.

Get Ready Get Set….

Declutter, garage sale, give aways (churches and other charities would be more than happy to help you out).

Order a bin if you need to – we have a great promo for that ( of course 🙂 )

Clean clean clean – oh and we have another great promo for that too! The best smell of a home is  freshly cleaned one …so ditch all the plug in’s…no no’s

On the note above – pls oh pls don’t forget the windows!! So so important that the buyer can look clearly through sparkling clean windows. Shows that the home is well maintained in more ways than one…clean windows say so much about a home.

Luv the critters- just not the smell from their kibble or cat box = out of sight out of mind for both.

Same goes for fireplaces – luv the fires just not the leftover soot smell – clean away any old burned debris in the fireplace

Old plants too – bye bye…

Get the treadmill or the P90x accessories out of the bedroom and into the basement or garage. Buyers only need to know that you sleep not sweat in the bedroom …well …

And finally all chachkis off the fridge and close those toilet lids.

This will help set the stage for an easier sale.

Be sure to get a home staging evaluation done – to see if we can increase your chances of an even BETTER sale!

Show Time:

Make like  Bob and Doug  Mackenzie and ‘take off’ for all showings. I don’t know why it is that some sellers feel that lurking behind a buyer through their home is a good thing. Can you say creepy??

Do make your home available for all showings – if you don’t that is a potential sale down the drain. Yup – just because there is some much to choose from – the Buyer and REALTOR®  will not ‘wait’ until you are available again…sorry but true 🙁  On to the next they go…

Make sure your locks work! (Access door for REALTORs®) And make sure you have a porch light on timer for the evening showings – we can’t sell what we do not have access to – or cannot see…

Done Deal:

Congrats on a great sale..wait no – you feel you could of gotten more? yup most all sellers feel that way – until about 3 weeks post sale – when all of your former competition are still unsold on the market – you will feel gratitude pouring in…and its a wonderful thing.

Back to the list!

Sale papers to mortgage broker and lawyer (of which normally your REALTOR® can do this for you).

Notify all utilities/schools/doctors/gov’t/subscriptions/clubs  of the sale date – keep insurance for a week post sale – in case you have late closing (insurance companies will tell you to keep insurance for a month lap).’

Pack pack pack… did we mention that we had a great promo for that :)..moving solutions

See our moving checklists part one and part two 

kennedy real estate sellers checklist








Megan Wagner

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® Edmonton Home Stager

Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
Area Specialists | Lifestyle Marketing

 : Looking for a great Team environment to grow your business…see our Brokerage Model for info on how to make that happen!



Edmonton REALTOR: Buyer’s Checklist

February 12th, 2012 by Jennifer Kennedy

Kennedy Real Estate - looking to buyLooking to Buy this Year?


Here is a go-to check list to reference.

Before you get started:

1. Prequalified vs. Preapproved – know the difference! Make an appointment with your Mortgage Broker/Bank and make sure you send in allof the required paperwork for income verification and downpayment source (s).  Once that is in place your Broker will give you an interest rate hold and a maximum BUY amount (including the downpayment).

2. Renting? Perhaps now would be a good idea to let you landlord know that you will either NOT be renewing the lease at the end of the fixed term – or if you are renting month to month – be mindful of the fact you will have to give sufficient notice for when you are moving out.

3. Contact a REALTOR® to discuss your needs vs. wants and price range and community. Chances are you will need tomake a few adjustments in order to fit everything into your ‘perfect pad’.

4. Set up an auto search with your REALTOR® so that you can start to track the listings, prices (both active and sold).

5. Set up time(s) for viewing with your REALTOR® – allowing for 48 hours for booking of showings (be sure to get your list of homes to see in a few days ahead of time – to allow your REALTOR® time to book the showings with the sellers).

kennedy real estate - home buyingOnce you write the offer and the offer is accepted: PENDING

1. Book your home inspection: cost $400-700 : depending on size and location (acreages are a bit more expensive).

2. Be sure to send in all of your offer to purchase papers to your Mortgage Broker

3. Make sure your have transferred any necessary funds to cover your initial and any additional deposit cheques (this goes toward your down payment).

4. Usually buyers will get the financing approved then bookthe home inspection – BUT allow enough time – in case there are issues from the home inspection that require time to resolve.

5. When you are doing the home inspection – its not a bad idea to take some measurements – windows, rooms for furniture/beds/appliances etc. As well taking a few extra photo’s for decor/reno ideas is also a good idea. This maybe your last viewing until possession.

kennedy real estate advantage soldConditions are removed, you are a happy new home owner: Now WHAT?

1. Give notice if your are renting.

2. Be sure to send in your final document to the bank: condition removal form!

3. Give your REALTOR® the name of the lawyer you will use for the sale. Your REALTOR® will ensure all of the documents are sent to the lawyer. Your lawyer will call and set an appt usually within two weeks of possession to sign the papers. In addition, let your Mortgage Broker know the name of your lawyer – so they can forward any mortgage instructions.

4. Set up utilities in your new place  – and yes you can do this well ahead of time (power, water, heat, phone, cable).

5. Start packing! Be sure to check out one of our FREE promo’s for moving solutions!

Megan Wagner

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® Edmonton Home Stager

Call us today…780-485-3010 and GET SOLD!
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