Archive for the ‘Edmonton Homes for Sale | Kennedy Real Estate | Edmonton Realtor’ Category

Designer Real Estate is here!!!

Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

Call today to find out how Designer Real Estate can get you SOLD!

Click on the image below to see a presentation on Designer Real Estate.

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Try and Sell These Houses!

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

Check out these Unique house’s from around the world


Additional “Christy’s Confidentials” Articles…


Christy Van Dyke
Associate | REALTOR®
Your Greenview | Hillview Area Specialist
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KENNEDY Real Estate
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An APPLE a day really DOES keep the Doctor away!

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

an apple a day

This common health saying isn’t folklore; research actually proves it’s true. According to a recent Florida State Uiversity study, women who ate apples every day had 14% lower total cholesteral, a 23% decrease in LDL (‘bad’) cholesteral and a 3% rise in HDL (‘good’) cholesterol after one year. Their C-reactive protein levels (another risk factor for heart disease) also went down 32%. ‘These results were shocking because the women made no other changes to their health habits,”says study author Bahram Arjmandi, PhD, R.D.

What gives apples their superfruit powers? They’re rich in fibre, which improves cholesterol, and they also contain quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that may help fight inflammation. Article Author: AbigalL. Cuffey Women’s Day Issue 10/17/11

Read about the Story of Our Apple

Allison Mallette

KENNEDY Real Estate

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