Edmonton Home Stager: Home Staging vs. Price Reduction

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The reality is that in a slow real estate market, buyers have waaaaay less motivation to make an offer today because they know that increased inventory means that asking prices may go down even further tomorrow.

In addition buyers feel absolutely no pressure to make a quick decision because they know there are plenty of homes to choose from. This makes it less likely that a property they’re interested in will disappear too quickly— again making them less likely to take action and make an offer.

As a result, there’s a vicious cycle with home sellers trapped in their non-selling houses for longer and increased pressure from their REALTORS®  to continue lowering their price.

HOWEVER  home staging offers a way to end this costly inconvenience, because staged homes have been proven to sell faster.

When you compare the cost of staging vs. the average price reduction of $5000-$10,000 – home staging is waaaay more cost effective! Plus you are spending money to make money! I always get home sellers to think about their home as their own ‘fix and flip’. Now wouldn’t you normally think about putting money into your ‘flip’ to get it sold? For some reason home sellers have a hard time thinking in this manner. Until now.

Getting an offer is not such an easy thing these days. You really have to work at it. I have seen some houses that have been on the market for several years now (Edmonton region). They have gone through several REALTORS®, discount brokerages, for sale by owner etc. And the crazy thing is the condition of the house is STILL THE SAME and the price keeps dropping and dropping. At what point do you say…hmmm I don’ think anyone LIKES our house. I wonder why? Could it be the crayola box of paint colours throughout? The wallpaper that just never ends? My sparse prison cell decor? Or my floral Golden Girls furniture arrangement? hmmmm…

I have said this before…real estate is NOT rocket science. There is a reason for everything. And a reason for every house NOT selling. It was not priced or prepared properly. Done. Period. Finito.

Home staging puts you in the right direction for a sale. It doesn’t always guarantee you more money – but it does get you to where you need to be …SOLD. It allows you the piece of mind knowing that you have done your very best at putting your best most ‘shiniest’ foot forward when presenting your property to the market.

Happy home selling!

Megan Wagner

KENNEDY Real Estate
Your Edmonton REALTOR® Edmonton Home Stager

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