Edmonton Pet Friendly Condo Search

Look no further!! Edmonton’s first and only…

Pet Friendly Edmonton Condo Search!

Kennedy Real Estate Pet Friendly condo search Edmonton

We specialize in Pet Friendly Real Estate for the Edmonton Area.

Check out our Pet Friendly Edmonton Real Estate facebook Page for more tips on buying and selling with Pets and for information on Pet Friendly Condos for sale in the Edmonton area.

Check out  Pet Friendly Blog Post on Buying a Home with Pets by the Pet Friendly Team at KENNEDY Real Estate.

pet friendly real estate edmonton

Looking  to BUY a Pet Friendly condo in Edmonton? Let us know!!

Fill out this Pet Friendly Condo Search Form and we’ll get ya started ASAP!!

Looking to sell as well? Fill out this form and we will do a Home Evaluation.

Included with the listing is a Home Prep for Selling with Pets. Living and selling with pets are two different concepts. We guide you as to how to get your home SOLD with pets and not go crazy at the same time 🙂 It is possible …really it is!

 pet friendly condo edmonton

Don’t forget to check out our FABULOUS KENNEDY House Warming Closing Gift:  Ribbon Gift Line best part is you get to pick your gift!!

Want to know HOW we make the magic happen? It’s called Designer Real Estate and its got a SOLD history!

pet friendly edmonton real estate

Contact us today and get started on the road to a furry friendly home!!

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